Connecticut Personal
Injury Attorneys
New Haven, Connecticut | Weber & Rubano Law Firm


Posted by on May 13, 2024

What to Do After Being Hit By a Drunk Driver

Drinking alcohol decreases reaction times, clouds judgment, and causes cognitive impairment and drowsiness. Getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol puts lives at risk. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), nearly 40 lives are lost daily in drunk driving accidents—and over 40% of those lives belong to innocent victims sharing the...
Posted by on May 10, 2024

What Happens If You Refuse a DUI Test in Connecticut?

Connecticut takes drinking and driving seriously. There were 2,967 drunk driving convictions in Connecticut between 2021 and 2022. Even more alarming, Connecticut saw over 8,000 DUI-related traffic accidents during that same period with 200 fatal crashes—40% of which were fatalities to innocent victims, not the intoxicated driver. When a law enforcement offer has reasonable...