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Steps to Take After a Bicycle Accident

February 23, 2024Articles

A bicycle is a fitness-friendly and eco-conscious choice for local transportation to work, school, and recreation. It’s also a fun outdoor activity for cyclists of all ages. Unfortunately, in traffic situations, an unprotected bicycle rider is at a serious disadvantage in a collision with a vehicle weighing an average of 4,000 pounds. Some bicycle accidents occur due to poor weather conditions, debris in the road, or a cyclist’s ineptitude or recklessness; however, the vast majority of serious bicycle accidents occur due to a driver’s negligence. Negligent driving includes texting while driving, speeding, intoxicated driving, unsafe lane changes, and failure to yield the right of way to a cyclist.

If you experience a bicycle accident, knowing the right steps to take at the scene and in the days following the accident helps protect your physical and financial future.

What to Do After A Bicycle Accident Before Leaving the Scene

Bicycle accidents often leave victims with severe injuries that result in unconsciousness or inability to move without causing further injury. However, a cell phone is a powerful tool when used at the scene of the accident to document evidence, even when used from a seated position while awaiting help. Some injury victims ask a companion or bystander to use the phone for them if they aren’t able to move safely. After a bicycle accident caused by an at-fault driver, use a cell phone to do the following:


  • First, call 911 to report the accident and request emergency services
  • Then, use the phone’s camera to snap photos of the car that hit you, including any visible damage
  • Photograph the scene of the accident, including anything relevant like a traffic signal, sign, or intersection
  • Take photos of any visible injuries
  • Add the contact information of the driver
  • Add the contact information of any eyewitnesses to the accident

Eyewitnesses are often the key to proving a driver’s negligence, but all too often they leave the scene without leaving a name.

In less common cases, the at-fault party for a bicycle accident isn’t a driver but could be a negligent road maintenance agency, negligent construction company, or the manufacturer of a defective bicycle part or car part. Taking photos of the cause of the accident provides critical evidence of liability while photos of the injuries at the scene are proof that the injuries occurred in the bicycle accident.

How to Protect Yourself After a Bicycle Accident

Immediately after the accident, it’s important to go straight to a hospital, either with an ambulance or by arranging transportation. Besides emergency treatment for obvious injuries, be sure to ask for a complete medical evaluation and tell the doctor about every symptom, even mild ones. Some injuries take hours or days to fully develop symptoms. Ask for a detailed medical report listing your injuries and the doctor’s recommendations for your treatment, as well as your prognosis for recovery. Be sure to carefully follow your doctor’s instructions.

In the days following a bicycle accident, it’s best to hire an attorney with a track record of success in navigating bicycle accident claims for injured clients. An accident attorney helps anticipate and counteract common tactics insurance companies use to protect their profits at the victim’s expense. Gather the evidence you documented at the scene together with the police report of the accident and your medical report and then hire a New Haven bicycle accident attorney. Then, direct all communication with the insurance company to your lawyer so you maximize your chances of an ample settlement for your damages like medical expenses, lost wages, and compensation for your pain and suffering.