Connecticut Personal
Injury Attorneys
New Haven, Connecticut | Weber & Rubano Law Firm

What To Do After an Accident From a Defective Road

We typically think of careless or reckless drivers when it comes to determining fault and liability in car accidents, but what about when an accident occurs not due to a negligent driver but because a hazard existed in a roadway and caused a crash? Car accidents caused by defective roads, unaddressed roadway hazards, and poor road planning are more common than you might think. When roads are unsafe due to defects, uncleared debris, or other hazards, the result can be a serious accident.

Liability for a Defective Road Accident

Proving liability in an accident caused not by a careless driver but by a negligent road planning or road maintenance agency requires meticulous investigation to prove the cause of the accident and to hold a city, county, or state entity accountable for the damages. Knowing what to do at the scene of the accident, and in the days following, can help facilitate the process of a compensation claim for damages.

Document Evidence at the Accident Scene

After a serious car accident, you may be too gravely injured to do anything except wait in place for help to arrive; however, if you can safely move to use your phone—or hand it to an uninjured person to use for you—you can document critical evidence of the cause of the accident before law enforcement moves your vehicle to restore traffic flow. At the scene of the accident, use your phone to do the following:


  • First, call 911 to report the accident and request emergency services
  • While you wait, use the phone’s camera to take photos of the cause of the accident, such as an obstructed sign, a defective traffic light, a poorly planned exit or entrance ramp, or debris in the road
  • Take photos of the entire accident scene to get the full picture of what occurred
  • Photograph your damaged vehicle
  • Take pictures of any visible injuries
  • Add the contact information of eyewitnesses and any other involved drivers
  • Go directly to the hospital from the accident scene

At the hospital, ask for a thorough medical evaluation as well as treatment for your obvious injuries. This helps to catch any injuries with delayed symptom onset. Obtain a detailed medical report listing your injuries, the doctor’s treatment recommendation, and your prognosis.

What to Do After Your Defective Road Accident in New Haven

Never accept an early settlement offer from an insurance company or a government entity. Instead, ask for a copy of the police report of your accident and call an accident attorney to represent your best interests. Compensation claims and lawsuits against government entities like city road maintenance or planning agencies are often more complex and may have different time limits and additional requirements.

How Can a Car Accident Attorney Help After a Defective Road Accident?

A car accident claim after a defective roadway accident requires skilled handling through an attorney experienced in this more complex type of accident claim. Call the New Haven car accident attorneys for experienced representation throughout the process.

If the negligent management of a road results in injury to a motorist, the injury victim shouldn’t be left responsible for the damages, like medical expenses, lost wages, and compensation for pain and suffering. An attorney from Weber & Rubano understands the devastating impacts of serious car accidents and is ready to help.