Sudden injuries are painful and distressing. A serious injury may even have life-altering consequences. But when an injury occurs directly due to negligence on the part of another person or business, or from someone else’s wrongdoing, it’s especially traumatic. What’s worse—an injury victim could be left to suffer serious financial damages at the same...
Personal injury claims help injury victims to recover their economic losses plus compensation for their pain and suffering after an accident or injury caused by someone else. Injuries happen in many ways, but when one party’s negligence, recklessness, or intentional wrongdoing causes serious injury to another, the injury victim deserves compensation—typically paid through the...
Anyone can suffer an injury and not all injuries are preventable. Suffering a serious injury is always painful and distressing, and sometimes life-altering, but when the injury was caused due to someone else’s negligence, reckless behavior, or intentional wrongdoing, it’s even more traumatic. Serious injuries can also quickly become expensive. Injury victims often have...
A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury caused by a blow to the outside of the head or by a strong jolt or shake that causes the brain to bump against the bony inner surface of the skull. While a concussion is a mild type of brain injury and most people fully...
The human brain controls every body system as well as our senses, thoughts, and emotions. Despite the protection of a cushioning layer of fluid and a bony skull, the brain sometimes suffers injuries with serious impacts on physical and cognitive ability as well as mood, emotion, and behavior. Over 5 million adults in the...