Connecticut provides an important thoroughfare for New England logging trucks, making these massive semi-tractor trailer trucks hauling giant logs a common sight on New Haven roadways. Logging trucks may carry up to 33,000 pounds in a haul, in addition to the weight of the massive trucks, posing a serious hazard to vulnerable motorists in much smaller vehicles. The overwhelming majority of logging truck accident victims in New Haven and elsewhere are those in other vehicles, not the driver of the logging truck, which highlights the necessity of a New Haven truck accident attorney in getting the justice victims deserve.
Call us at (203) 888-8888 today to get advice from a legal expert.
What Types of Logging Truck Accidents Cause Catastrophic Damage?
Rigid regulations by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) help to ensure that logging trucks carry safely secured loads. Despite this fact, immense logs often come loose from trailer beds when a truck crashes, tips, or rolls during an accident, causing catastrophic damage to involved vehicles. Common types of logging truck accidents in New Haven and throughout Connecticut include the following:
Rear-end collisions from tailgating
T-bone accidents in intersections
Rollover accidents, commonly caused by sudden shifts in the load or a driver taking too sharp a turn or curve
Jackknife accidents occur when the weight of the trailer or an unbalanced load causes the trailer to slide forward and push the cab sideways, ending in a crash with the truck and trailer in an open jackknife shape
Unsecured cargo accidents may occur when logs are not properly secured and shift, roll, or fall from the trailer
When a truck, trailer, and heavy logs are involved in an accident, the consequences can be catastrophic or deadly.
Common Injuries In Logging Truck Accidents
Damages in logging truck accidents are typically far more than property damage to a vehicle. Severe injuries in accidents involving commercial trucks and smaller vehicles often include broken bones, traumatic head injuries, neck injuries, back injuries, burns, lacerations, contusions, spinal cord injuries, internal organ damage, and traumatic limb loss.
If a serious accident has occurred and you or a loved one suffered a head injury, contact a New Haven brain injury attorney today to pursue financial compensation.
Damages Available in Logging Truck Accidents In New Haven
When a logging truck accident occurs, injuries to those in smaller vehicles may be catastrophic. Even less serious injuries don’t mean the trucking company isn’t responsible for the expenses. More serious injuries can have lifelong consequences for injury victims. The consequences of an accident are the injury victim’s “damages” in an injury claim. Common damages in logging truck accident claims include:
Past and future medical expenses
Past and future lost earnings/diminished future earning capacity
Out-of-pocket expenses
Compensation for pain and suffering
In many cases of logging truck accident claims, other damages apply such as compensation for disfigurement, traumatic limb loss, diminished quality of life, or PTSD. If a loved one died due to injuries they sustained in a logging truck accident in New Haven, close family members may file for compensation and a sense of justice through a wrongful death lawsuit.
How Can a New Haven Truck Accident Lawyer Help My Case?
Proving liability in a logging truck accident claim can be challenging because multiple entities could be at fault or share fault for the accident, such as the driver, the trucking company, the logging company, a freight loading company, or the manufacturer of a defective part or equipment. Proving liability requires an investigation and documentation of compelling evidence presented to the appropriate insurance company. Call the New Haven truck accident attorneys at Weber & Rubano at (203) 888-8888 or contact us online for experienced representation in your claim.